Monday 13 October 2008

Response to Lesson 2 Blog by P..

Just my thoughts about the definition of devised theatre as discussed
in this lesson.

I think the definition and understanding of "devised" theatre is quite
a complex one. I believe this due to definition of "devised" often
being an opposition to "scripted", the complexity of standard
definition is stressed when you think " through the rehearsal process
of companies such as BMT, are their actions and ideas not recorded and
listed during rehearsals then put into a chronological order - thus
creating a script?" to me it seems that true devised theatre with no
script is one that is created on the spot and performed shortly
thereafter with no "rehearsal process" to speak of. This idea being
more of an improvisation then any other form brings me to the
conclusion that true devised theatre is improvisation, with any thing
else being just a contorted view of theatre makers trying to be
unconventional but still relying on conventional means such as
rehearsing and a compilation of ideas and actions over a period of time
that will be performed.



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