Monday 27 October 2008

Berkoff in relation to black mime theatre

Berkoff in comparion to Black MimeTheatre

Initially, the differences between Berkoff and Black Mime Theatre
seem truly emmence. Berkoff was born in London in 1937, yet the BMT was
not founded until 1984, (ironically by two white people). However, as
you delve deeper into the principles and values of Berkoff and BMT one
can see many similarities between the two.
The BMT's motto is said to be, " To create opportunities for
black actors in the field of mime" which truthfully has very little
relevance to Berkoff's, "Total Theatre" or indeed his plays, yet the
acting styles of both art forms are similar. The BMT uses cultural
experiences of individual actors to devise a piece that is both
physically and emotionally strong; however it is through the
relationship between the actor and audience where similarities lie.
Through pieces such as 'Mothers' and 'Total Rethink' the audience's
involvement is obvious. Shouting and laughter can be heard throughout
the play as the actors explore serious themes such as the obstacles of
race and sex to life. This is done in a serious yet often humorous way;
we find ourselves laughing at humorous moments that socially breaks
taboo creating a sense of discomfort. This audience relationship is
something that Berkoff tried to embed is his, "Total Theatre". Berkoff
claimed that theatre should be more than a simplistic show and become a
live experience where audience relationship is intimate. Whether or not
Berkoff achieved this to the extent BMT has is questionable. Berkoff's
earlier work were adaptations of Franz Kafka's nightmarish plays which
sometimes alienated the audience, as the characters and themes were so
bizarre; for example Metamorphosis.
Similarities also lie between BMT and Berkoff in the general
field of mime. Berkoff trained in drama and mime in both London and
Paris. Whereas we would assume Berkoff would inevitably be wearing
stripey jumpers and gloves pretending to exit a box, this training
appears to have reflected elements of black mime theatre. Throughout
Metamorphosis we see Berkoff miming objects in a robotic fashion, (to
explore Gregor's repetitive routine and Kafka's nightmarish theme) as
well as creating sounds through both body and mouth; something which
has been witnessed in many of the Black mime performances. However
Berkoff's use of sounds appears to be less complicated, as performances
such as, "Total Rethink"; by the women's troop, becomes confusing
with an over usage of sounds.
Suprisingly verbal Language appears to be another similarity
between BMT and Berkoff's own unique style, yet it is one that has been
discovered to be relevant. The words used in the BMT's performances
appear to be senseless, simple emphasising the character. Yet these
words can be interpreted in other ways. This can be seen through the
repetitive screeching of dad throughout in, 'Total Rethink' these words
may not necessarily mean a child calling for its dad, but the
insecurity the child feels around its new mother; plus his inability to
grow up and develop new relationships. Berkoff uses language to much
the same affect. The grunting noises made by Gregor show not just his
transformation into a beetle, but his mental and physical breakdown
after years of his family relying on him. This technique builds upon
the themes of the play as well as emphasising the actor/audience
Gestus and physicality plays a vital part for both Black Mime
Theatre and Berkoff. As both use mime, expression and clarity; whether
it be from the body or from sounds is vital. Therefore, to ensure the
audience understands the motifs of the play; (this technique can also
be used to create comedy), exaggerated physicalities are often used.
This technique allows the audience to understand the characters
emotions and feelings. This attributes to the the audience and actor
Overall, there appears to be an increasing similarity between
Berkoff and BMT. Both artists use similar techniques to create a visual
spectacular for the audience, even if their overall intentions are
different. BMT is determined for black awareness and a chance for a new
art from to flourish, whereas Berkoff wants to create a new theatre
similar to the Victorians Visual spectacular. However, both have a
drive to change the way we perceive modern theatre.


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